Multiple personality disorder and substance abuse

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Renamed dissociative identity disorder

multiple personality disorder (MPD), renamed Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), a diagnosis is very complex and controversial set with someone. They can get the "Sybil" in mind when you think of MPD, a much milder version is more the rule than the crazy, out of control patient often depicted by Hollywood.

Key Wallets

It 'is common to various figures 5-25

The officialpsychiatric diagnostic criteria for DID, according to the DSM-IV-TR, the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states, at least two of these identities take control of the repeated behavior of the person and the inability to recall important personal information, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

Family and Friends report

Family and friends, a DID, the patient may report was often gaps in memory(Poetry), past and present, to find reports, articles of clothing at home that the individual can not remember, and not the memory of an entire segment of the day, where they were or what they did. Route key, wallets, purses, cars and car parks is widespread.

Misdiagnosed for years

Often, the DID patient is described as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which means that an instant, the person may very passive and submissive,and then suddenly an impatient person that controls and / or self-destructive is presented. It 's very common for a person with DID for six to seven years to be identified before the dissociative be recognized correctly diagnosed. It is usually given the wrong diagnosis is bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder.

Characters out of contact with others

Each personality may have been like if it had a distinct personal history, self-image and identity are experienced,including different names. I have customers in which a person is written with beautiful calligraphy was left-handed, while another will insist that he / she can only write with my right hand. For an adult one minute and a young, rebellious youth is another question quite often.

Mental, physical or sexual abuse

My experience with multiple personalities, alcohol or drugs often have a personality that is used. Sometimes the hostPersonality can be aware of the fact that he / she drinks, but had no idea stoned. In discussing the addictive behavior, often years before the emerging personality has chosen to use an engaging way to distract the host personality to any form of abuse (mental, physical or sexual). Or even, as decided sexually promiscuous mode of survival on the streets.

huge problems of an addict

There is no doubt he has done is a mysterious disease. One who hasBe careful and comprehensive advice to solve. After one of the many characters, which creates enormous problems for an addict to smoking, because up to this addictive personality is integrated (it is an integer) for the host, he / she will always have the alternative to real or perceived danger of drugs and / or alcohol to escape.

Because drugs and alcohol?

This is a really simple to explain. As bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorderHyper-Attention Deficit Disorder, and almost every type of disorder may crossover dependencies, because people feel normal lens. I have many clients, drug addicts, who have not had multiple personality disorder. With alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex and any kind of addiction, there are those who will do anything to feel normal. If you do not feel the pain of shame or adjust the chaos inside, choose people every day in order to deflect in an effort to avoid, or deny, and care for their lifeLotte.

If you want to know more about MPD review of comments and questions, or contact Dr. Steve.

Multiple personality disorder and substance abuse


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