Psychology of Marketing - inside the head of your customer Get Inside Get your wallets

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Have you ever wondered why your last four purchases? Eliminating food, gas for your car or prescription drugs. Check out the four, the others are. Why are these things? What was the driving force behind this choice? Even if you do not stop to think about these purchases at the sale, but you should think about it. The psychology behind consumer behavior and attitudes of understanding of consumers can be a lot to do to learnmarketing skills right to use the right voice marketing to the public.

We take a product from your last four: a working group will be called AB-Joy. This product, while certainly no different from many other coaches on the market, taken prisoner by the eye to your needs: those that have been identified through market research the most important ones to be your age or sex. Let's say you had a woman of 35 years, the children are. This is your demographicGroup. Then analyze the psychology of marketing, what are the main concerns for this group. would in most cases, women in this age group: lose weight, flatten the belly (from their post-Baby Bulge) and their small hips. It can also be proposed, subtly or explicitly that they regain their youthful appearance as well. For the next phase in the age group population, would these services and to strengthen the lower back are described andSupport for the position. As women move to new age demographics, the key advantages that must be proposed by the marketing campaign and a private key to further change.

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Smart marketing, those who keep an eye on the psychology of buying is, of course, aware that can change shape, needs to start advertising that makes you look more "sophisticated" (read: older). In the next phase, the increase in advertising is exploring the benefits ofclearer and healthier-looking skin by using these products. And so the progression continues. Of course, marketing is the younger audience who are new customers, especially in the world of acquisition. But they continue to lead the movement through the demographic development with other customers, the needs analysis, which once again buy one of their products.

Psychology, the study of how the mind works is very important for successful marketing. Know something interestingcan turn into a sale is essential to the production and many other sales. You must be able to read and demographic reading between the lines. Back From the two-Joy and the make-up line for a moment. What they are really trying to sell what they are really trying to sell what they have to meet? The AB-Joy can claim to sell "fitness", but in truth they are selling self-esteem, the ability to feel better about your physical being. As you look better, you will havemore confidence and start to behave in new ways. Everyone remembers these changes immediately. If the AB-Joy really change your life? Not exactly, but the psychology behind what you buy in the first place that just needs a gentle nudge, to make some changes. This exercise machine, far from a magic cure-all was a practical way to start better habits, which is actually the reason for your positive changes.

Psychology of Marketing - inside the head of your customer Get Inside Get your wallets


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